My Labs

Those are my fun side projects. Most of them don't leave my localhost, but the ones who do will be here.

You'll be able to see some of my code, and things I'm studying at the moment.

Jokenpo [Multiplayer Game]

Jokenpo [Multiplayer Game]

SvelteKit, Socket.Io, Node.js

Own project ,Written to get used to the sveltekit, state, sockets, and servers.

Matching Game [Game]

Matching Game [Game]


Tutorial project ,Written to get used to the sveltekit way of managing state and reactivity.

JSX Rederer [Code]

JSX Rederer [Code]


Tutorial Project ,Wrote a JSX renderer to understand the inner functionality of React.

Food Recipes [App]

Food Recipes [App]

React Native, NativeWind, Expo, Reanimate, REST API

Tutorial Project ,Fully functional app using free APIs and animations.

Expensify [App]

Expensify [App]

React Native, Firebase

Tutorial Project ,Fully functional app to study the Back-End integration, auth (log-in/sign-up) and React Native UI development

AppStore UI [App]

AppStore UI [App]

React Native, NativeWind, Expo

Tutorial Project ,UI-focused APP, using nativewind (Tailwind for react native) and some other libraries.

Animated Login UI [App]

Animated Login UI [App]

React Native, NativeWind, Expo, React Native Animated

Tutorial Project ,UI-focused APP, using nativewind (Tailwind for react native) and animation libraries.

Login UI [App]

Login UI [App]

React Native, NativeWind, Expo

Tutorial Project ,UI-focused APP, using nativewind (Tailwind for react native) and some other libraries.

GabesDev Gabes.Dev